Field of the Eight Diagrams
At the southern foot of Jade Emperor Mountain there is a Field of the Eight Diagrams, which was built under the reign of Southern Song Emperor Zhao Gou, and almost 900 years later it remains in good shape. It is built in the shape of the Eight Diagrams of Yin and Yang defined by legendary leader Fu Xi. It consists of sections that are planted in accordance with the twenty-four Solar Periods as defined in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, to show respect for agricultural affairs and pray for good rains and harvest. It was also built as a display of Zhao Gou’s determination to rally force again and recover the lost territory. It is now open as a park, for both relaxation and learning about agriculture.
走过浣纱路,未见浣纱河。听老杭州说这是在浣纱河上筑的路。浣纱河古称清湖河,又因在这里浣纱洗衣的杵捣声终日不绝,而得名浣纱河。昔日的浣纱河,沿岸杨柳低垂,小桥流水人家,夏日里,小伢儿在河里游泳、抓鱼、嬉闹。由浣纱河变成浣纱路, 对多数老杭州来说,是一段难以割舍的记忆。
Huansha Road
Walking along Huansha Road, I don’t see the Huansha River. An old resident says that Huansha Road was built over the Huansha River. The Huansha River was originally called the Qinghu River, but its name was changed due to associations with washing clothing. Huansha River in the old days was lined by willows, featured many bridges, and had people who would wash clothes and children playing in it in summer days, fishing and having fun. It’s a nostalgic memory for those old enough to remember it.
知味之余, 知音不断
“知味停车,闻香下马;欲知我味,观料便知”说的是杭州百年老店知味观,它是国家首批认定的中华老字号和中国十大餐饮品 牌。1913年由孙翼斋建立,开张之初生意并没他想象中的红火,他想着自己的点心不比别人差,就在门楣上写下了“欲知我味, 观料便知”,不料竟引起了人们的好奇。从此知味之余,知音不断。
Zhiweiguan Restaurant
One of the major classical food and beverage brands as recognised by China, Zhiweiguan is a famous restaurant in Hangzhou. Founded by Sun Yizhai in 1913, the business wasn’t originally that good as he imagined, As he thought the pastries he produced could compete with other brands, he hung a sign at the doorhead saying “If you want to know how the product is, come see how it’s made”. It attracted curious people, and the brand became famous since then.
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