Zijiu Thatched Cottage
We all think that Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Gongwang only walked around the Fuchun Mountain Range, but in fact his footprints also set upon Yuhu Bay in Hangzhou at the Zijiu Thatched Cottage. The cottage lies near the water, and has a view of mountains. If you stand at the door and look far off, you can see the Leifeng Pagoda. You can see one half each of his painting Living in the Fuchun Mountains at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum and the Palace Museum in Taipei, but sitting here, you can take the entire thing in.
文澜阁位于西湖孤山南麓,是1782 年为珍藏《四库全书》而建的皇家藏书楼。阁内东南侧和东侧的石碑,分别刻有清乾隆帝题诗、颁发《四库全书》上谕和清光绪帝所题“文澜阁”。阁内的《四库全书》历经沧桑,是浙江几代人的侠肝义胆才使得它能躲过战乱 而幸存。而文澜阁日积月累的古书香气,一直浸润着杭城人的心灵。
Ancient Books in the Wenlan Pavillion
The Wenlan Pavilion is situated at the southern foot of Mount Gu near the West Lake. For saving the Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature, it was constructed in 1782 by the emperor. Inside, at the southeast and east sides there are steles, with inscriptions by the Qianlong Emperor as well as the Guangxu Emperor. The books within have been preserved through wars and conflicts due to the bravery and heroic efforts of generations of people in Zhejiang. The collected works in this place reflect the spirit of the people of Hangzhou.
The Matchmaker and Matchmaker’s Temple
Next to the Leifeng Pagoda is the Matchmaker’s Temple. Because of the classical story of the matchmaker under the moon at this site in Hangzhou, the place has become a famous site for fortunetelling regarding marriages. Jin Yong (a wellknown writer) once compared the matchmaker under the moon of China and the god of love Cupid, thinking of the child as hot-headed and rash, whereas the matchmaker checking record is gentle and cultured. The set of couplets hanging on the wall of the Matchmaker’s Temple says: “Let the lovers of the world become spouses. This is set in previous lives – do not miss your match.” This is the romantic meeting of oriental philosophy and “the city of love”.
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