爱上杭州的16个理由 每一个都让人无法拒绝
外婆是住在西湖边的杭州姑娘。记得小时候住外婆家,外婆总喜欢穿一身旗袍。那娉婷的莲步,踩踏在我的眼底,步步成诗。如今见的最多的画面是外婆在月下一脸幸福的样子,不时将针在发间擦拭缝补衣裳,偶尔也拿出放在衣柜最上格的旗袍,抚摸着, 端详着。那样的旗袍,在衣柜里,就把人间烟火锁得牢牢的。
Qipao of Hangzhou Girls
My grandmother is a “Hangzhou girl” who lives by the West Lake. I remember staying at hers when I was a child – she liked to always wear a qipao. I watched as she took her delicate, beautiful steps in front of me. Now I see my grandmother by the moonlight, full of joy. Occasionally she’ll crack out her needle and mend some old clothing, and sometimes she’ll take her qipao down from the top shelf and feel it as she admires it. That kind of qipao that she has in the closet really is dynamite.
爱上一座城,不仅因为它的美,更因为那里的人情冷暖。从公交车私家车主动让路人的那一刻起,我就深感杭州是一个有人情味的城市。路上司机大哥侃侃而谈,嘴里说出的杭州是令他骄傲的, 是令我安心的。杭州图书馆是允许流浪汉入馆的,一个如此注重精神建设、尊重个人权利的城市,实不愧对“人间天堂”的美称。
A Human Touch
One falls in love with a city not just because it is beautiful, but because it has nice people. Seeing buses and cars stop to give way to pedestrians, I think about what a nice place Hangzhou is. The taxi drivers talk frankly about how they’re proud of Hangzhou and feel safe there. The Hangzhou library allows vagrants in. A city that has such nice infrastructure and respect for people truly deserves the name “heaven on earth”.
“最美妈妈”吴菊萍,“最美司机”吴斌,“最美爸爸”黄小荣…… “用山清水秀出最美”来形容杭州人的美一点也不为过。杭州人的温婉有理,杭州人的乐于助人,杭州人的向善向美,使杭州成为一座有着大爱、流淌着道德血液的城市。在杭州,崇尚道德已经成为越来越多人的生活方式。生活在杭州,真幸福。
Beautiful Hangzhou People
The “most beautiful mother” Wu Juping, the “most beautiful driver” Wu Bin, the “most beautiful father” Huang Xiaorong – everything is beautiful in Hangzhou. The people of Hangzhou are gentle and like to help others. They are virtuous, and the city is full of love and virtue. In Hangzhou, more and more people are leading virtuous lives. It’s a great place to live in.
Bits and Pieces
At the end of 2015, the image of an old man who collects rubbish was all over social media in Hangzhou. A retired teacher who washed his hand before entering the library, Wei Sihao entered into the public view. A teacher graduated from the Department of Chinese Language at Hangzhou University, in his old age he lives modestly and contributes financially to young children who would otherwise be unable to attend school. He’s left a lasting impression of love and spirit. His respect for other people has earned him the respect of people in Hangzhou.
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