

2019-01-21 16:49:18  来源:福州新闻网

  本网讯 时隔多年,记者再次寻访江敬生,聊起了汉斯。当得知记者把当年“老福州”珍贵的影像和现如今发生巨大变化的福州新颜相结合,刊发系列报道时,汉斯非常开心,并于2018年12月12日写了一封回信,回忆了当年的经历,也对再次来访福州表示期待。


  Dear friends in Fuzhou!

  I have had a very good friend in Fuzhou since 1985 and he just recently told me that Fuzhou Daily would like me to write some words about the

  development in Fuzhou during the last 40 years.

  First of all, I must say that it´s difficult for me to have any opinion about that because it´s more than ten years since I last visited Fuzhou.

  But anyway, in 2005 Fuzhou Daily published some photos I shot in Fuzhou 1985 when I came to the city for the first time.

  Photographers at the newspaper shot new photos from the same angle that I did and it was very interesting to notice what has happened in downtown

  Fuzhou during the 20 years I came back for short visits six times and every time I noticed fast development.

  I don´t know if Fuzhou Daily at that time published my thoughts I wrote in a letter 2005 about the changes in Fuzhou.

  I remember I wrote that Fuzhou in 2005 had developed from a rather uninteresting city 1985 to a modern city and that the big changes, according to me,

  started around year 2000.

  I understand of course that development in Fuzhou has changed the city even much more since 2005, like in many places in the rest of the world.

  I have been able to follow a little of the development on facebookpage "China Fuzhou" and I can just say - wow.

  I can almost not believe all that I see on on photos and read the stories.

  And I sure hope to come back to see the development i Fuzhou with my own eyes very soon, maybe in 2019.

  It could be interesting for one who lives in the small town Rättvik, with only 5 000 inhabitants, in Sweden a country where by the way 10 million

  people live.

  Your friend

  Hans Bloom

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